Award & Achievements

Awarded as the best and innovative product for the year 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 for consecutive 2 years at national level fare – sisira sarasa organized by ORMAS.

Placed in Indian Science Congress Nagpur, 2022-2023

Placed at G20 2023 at DSIR program, IMMT Campus – Skill and Education

Placed at Prime Minister’s One Week One Lab Program – IMMT Bhubaneswar.

Grabbed Second Prize in association with CSIR New Delhi National level agri cultural fare at puri year 2023 organized by ministry of Tourism & Culture.

Awarded as the best and innovative product at angul mahotsav 2023-24

Best and innovative product at pallishree mela, Rath Yatra 2024, Puri

Awarded as the best product by Government of Odisha during MSME week March 2023